Conan O’Brien kicked off his residence at the Largo Theater in Los Angeles on Monday night, when the TBS late-night host welcomed Will Ferrell and a brand new sponsor.
Need to get away from 2020? Like, real far away? Roll that sweet SpaceX commercial, lone on-site producer.
The tagline: “You are now free to leave this hellhole.”
“Conan” didn’t have much of an audience last night, which is good for social distancing but not great for laughs. Especially when the lone person in the crowd is O’Brien’s perpetually unimpressed assistant, Sona Movsesian.
Why Largo?
“I started here doing improv,” Conan explained. “I got my first laughs here in 1985, and I got my last laughs here in 1991. No laughs since — bit of a drought.”
Watch Monday’s “Conan” cold open via the video above, and the full Ferrell interview at the bottom of this post.
“Conan” has been producing remote episodes since March 30, two weeks after the coronavirus pandemic forced production to shut down across the industry.
In addition to moving the show to Largo, O’Brien’s Team Coco will also be kicking off a digital version of their monthly live stand-up show with the first happening on Thursday, July 9. “Team Coco Live: Moses Storm & Friends” will stream via Twitch and feature are well known and up-and-coming comedians.