Conan Billboard Seeks Emmy for ‘Sharktopus Vs. Pteracuda’

Emmy race heats up with O’Brien’s bold Emmy campaign

Conan O’Brien is probably an Emmy lock for his upcoming role in SyFy’s “Sharktopus Vs. Pteracuda,” but the “Conan” host is taking no chances.

O’Brien has taken out two billboards — one in Times Square and one in Los Angeles’ “historic brakes and alignment district” (near the corner of Washington and La Cienega) — to seek Emmy voters’ consideration for his role. He announced the billboards on his show last week.

Also read: FX Removing Some ‘Strain’ Billboards That Revolted People

A few clarifications: “Sharktopus Vs. Pteracuda” is a real movie, and O’Brien is really in it. It is a sequel to 2010’s “Sharktopus,” and both films are produced by Roger Corman.

Unfortunately, the film’s Aug. 2 premiere makes it too late to be considered for the Emmys this year, especially since nominations have already been announced. O’Brien, a three-time winner, was not nominated this time, but he did hedge his bets: His billboard also seeks the consideration of Oscar and BAFTA voters.

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The billboard finds O’Brien in full stage makeup, looking out over a particularly forlorn stretch of the L.A. River. It makes his longing expression all the more poignant.

“Plus, I got a great discount on this billboard because the billboard has a partially obstructed view,” O’Brien said.

Here’s hoping the billboard is more popular than the ones for “The Strain.”

Also read: Conan’s Masturbating Bear Rescued From Certain Death By Stephen Colbert’s Masturbating Bear (Video)

Watch the video:
