“Hot Ones,” the online web series created and produced by First We Feast, is coming back for its seventh season.
The new season is set to premiere Thursday at 8 a.m. ET on First We Feast’s YouTube channel, which recently crossed the 4 million subscriber mark.
Hosted by Sean Evans, “Hot Ones” is an interview-style series that involves Evans and his guest eating 10 chicken wings, each smothered with a progressively hotter sauce. Evans revealed the new hot sauce lineup for the season last week, which now includes a new “Hot Ones” branded sauce called “The Classic,” which will be available for purchase next month.
The first chicken wing in the series is usually covered in something fairly mild such as Sriracha, which has a rating of 2,200 Scoville units (a measurement of the pungency or the heat of pepper), while the final sauce has a Scoville rating of around 2,000,000.
The series continues to be a growing success for Complex and First We Feast. Views on First We Feast’s YouTube page, where the show lives, are up nearly 50 percent since January, according to the company. Additionally, its Instagram subscribers are up 65 percent and engagement has risen by 20 percent.
The company has also recently partnered with the Asian streaming service iFlix to produce localized versions of the show that are set to launch this month in Malaysia, Philippines, and Thailand. The shows will have local hosts and include local sauces.
Check out the trailer for Season 7 below.