Comic-Con: Get a Clue! TV Is the New Movies

Just because it’s a movie doesn’t mean it belongs in Hall H; and vice-versa for TV

Time for the Comic-Con organizers to wake up to the fact that, for fans of genre, TV is just as important as film. More so, in so many cases.

Hall H, the San Diego Convention Center's cavernous main room, was maxed out all day Thursday, with blockbusters like "Tron," "The Expendables" and "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World" in the house.

But on Wednesday, with somewhat lighter fare downstairs, Hall H was half empty half the day. Meanwhile, upstairs in the ballrooms, lines were stacking up through the hallways, into other hallways, and outside onto the patios.

This, for AMC's "The Walking Dead," the Cartoon Network's full presentation, and sundry other TV-based panels that thousands of fans didn't get to see.

Nowadays, with shows like "Big Bang Theory" and "True Blood" firmly implanted in fandom — and many more to come — it's time to give it its due. 

TV for Hall H!
