DreamWorks Animation pulled a classic Comic-Con surprise Thursday, announcing that Kit Harington had joined the voice cast of "How to Train Your Dragon 2" and bringing the "Game of Thrones" star out onstage to big applause.
Harington, who plays the Stark bastard Jon Snow on the HBO hit series that already has a huge presence here in San Diego, will voice the self-proclaimed "world's greatest dragon-trapper."
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“Jon [Snow] never gets to see dragons so this is my chance to go into that world,” Harrington said. “It’s safe to say this film has a lighter tone than ‘Game of Thrones."
Cate Blanchett and Djimon Hounsou were also announced as part of the voice cast but were not on hand. Blanchett will voice a “feral recluse vigilante” who rescues dragons from traps; Honsou will play Drago, a maniacal foreigner who is assembling a dragon army.
DWA showed clips from its 3D family sequel, as well as Harington's voice test reel.