Sometimes a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do. In Bill Burr’s case, that meant setting aside his script for a planned standalone “Colt Luger” special.
The co-creator and star of Netflix’s “F Is for Family” told TheWrap that he wrote a full script for an entire episode of his show-within-a-show, but Burr ultimately spiked the idea after seeing “BoJack Horseman” did a “Horsin’ Around” Christmas special.
“I wrote a whole half-hour script. I’ve got that somewhere on my computer — a first draft of it,” he said. “It just was gonna be too similar.”
In “F Is for Family,” “Colt Luger” is Frank Murphy’s (Burr) favorite TV show, and centers on an aging tough-guy private investigator-type who’s not too old to kick ass and womanize.