Colbert Turns Into His Own Meme to Celebrate Lev Parnas Implicating Trump in Ukraine Scandal (Video)

“The Late Show” host looks at Rachel Maddow’s interview with Lev Parnas

Colbert Parnas Popcorn Trump

On Thursday’s “The Late Show,” Stephen Colbert didn’t have a lot to say about several bombshell interviews with indicted Rudy Guiliani associate Lev Parnas the day before. But he didn’t have to, because he said everything when he recreated one of the most commonly used Stephen Colbert memes.

Like a lot of people, Colbert watched Rachel Maddow’s ratings cash cow of an interview with Parnas, who is accused of being involved in Trump’s attempts to pressure the Ukrainian government to investigate former vice president Joe Biden’s son. Parnas was indicted on campaign finance charges in October 2019.

“And last night, Parnas gave a bunch of interviews outlining the president’s involvement, and they were juicy” Colbert said during his monologue. “So I hope you guys are standing by with that popcorn gif of me.” He was referring to this gif, captured from an episode of “The Colbert Report.”

Colbert then rolled a clip from Maddow’s interview, in which Parnas said: “President Trump knew exactly what was going on. He was aware of all of my movements. I wouldn’t do anything without the consent of Rudy Giuliani and the president.”

Then, after the clip ended the camera turned back to Colbert, who was suddenly dressed up as a recreation of his gif, only holding a giant box of popcorn. It’s funny stuff, and you can watch it below:
