Colbert Shows Off His ‘Impeachment Tree’ to Celebrate the Public Trump Impeachment Hearing (Video)

Can we call it “Impeachmentmas?”

Colbert Trump Impeachment Eve Impeachment Tree

On Tuesday’s “The Late Show,” Stephen Colbert spent plenty of time celebrating what he called “impeachment eve” — the night before the House of Representatives’ first public hearings in the ongoing Donald Trump impeachment inquiry, scheduled to begin Wednesday morning.

And alongside an amusing parody of Any Williams’ “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year,” Colbert also celebrated the holiday by showing off his impeachment tree, which of course was a regular Christmas tree, but decorated with impeachment-themed ornaments.

Colbert began by noting the arctic blast currently bringing freezing temperatures to most of the United States. “A snap in the air means we’re heading into my favorite season. ‘Cause it’s Impeachment Eve,” Colbert said. Colbert then joked that he’s so excited about the proceedings Wednesday that won’t be able to sleep — “so it’s like every other night of the Trump presidency” — at which point he brought out his tree.

“It’s got all the traditional ornaments,” Colbert said. They included:

A star made from “the transcript of Trump’s ‘perfect’ phone call.”
A snowflake ornament called “quid pro snow.”
Pictures of other presidents who have been impeached.
What he called “my favorite. It’s Lindsey Graham’s balls,” which turned out to be a, uh, bronzed testicular-looking ornament. “He’s not using them these days,” Colbert quipped.

Watch the whole clip below:
