Colbert Proposes an Easy Fix for the iPhone 15 Overheating Issue: Coffee Cup Sleeves (Video)

The price, revealed in a “Late Show Fake News Alert,” may be an issue for some

colbert iphones overheating

The geniuses behind “The Late Show Fake News Alerts” put their minds together Thursday for an over-the-top effort that new iPhone owners could grow to appreciate.

In the two weeks since the iPhone 15 was released, many users have complained of an overheating problem with the shiny Apple product.

Naturally, where there’s a problem, Stephen Colbert and his top-notch crew of writers have a solution — for which a round of applause over his WGA staffers’ return is of course in order.

In the bit, a fake news anchor introduces the problem at hand with a voiceover atop an Apple advertisement for the iPhone 15 — and a fake news headline.

“The new iPhone 15 is heating up sometimes — literally,” the fake anchor says. “The phone can at times be too hot to hold.”

A quick montage of real news segments then begins to break down the latest development, that Apple now has a fix after, according to the Wall Street Journal, some iPhone 15s were reaching temperatures as high as 112 degrees, before the parody kicks off in earnest.

“We here at Apple have heard your concerns about the iPhone 15 setting your hands on fire,” a voiceover says atop video of someone’s outstretched hand getting scorched by an iPhone, evidenced by a rising band of arid-looking smoke. “That’s why we’re excited to introduce the state-of-the-art Apple Air Sleeve.”

Fake marketing video of a consumer item that could not be mistaken for anything other than a coffee cup sleeve — stamped unmistakably with an Apple logo, no less — then rolls.

“Crafted from cutting edge corrugated cellulose fiber, it instantly pairs with your phone,” the fake Apple voiceover states. “Starting at $249.99. Available for iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Plus and Venti.”

Watch video of “The Late Show Fake News Alert” segment below.
