If there is any truth to a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Stephen Colbert thinks he may have found “the cure to racism” in America.
The study found participants primed to think about scarcity were much more likely to see someone with a few African facial features as black — which meant that when white participants were shown a white and black face, and asked to divvy up $15 between the two, they consistently shorted the black image with $7 or less.
See video: ‘Daily Show’ Takes on Racism, Donald Sterling: ‘I’m Racist, but My Dick and My Wallet are Not’
Colbert’s recap: “When money is scarce, white people think everyone looks black, and then won’t give them any money.”
Although these findings are disturbing, to say the least, Colbert has found a silver lining.
“Nation, this study proves white people don’t discriminate because we’re racist. We do it because we’re worried about economic scarcity, which means there is a simple way to eradicate racism in America,” Colbert said. “Give white people more money.”
Also read: Daily Kos Cartoonist: Obama Racism Charges are ‘Squishy Liberals’ Being Politically Correct
Colbert’s concentration on racism came in honor of his guest, Atlantic national correspondent Ta-Nehisi Coates, whose 15,000-word cover story “The Case for Reparations” argues that the government owes black Americans money for the many social and economic repercussions of slavery.
Watch the interview below: