Colbert Has a ‘Fun Fact’ for Trump: ‘Not All Women Are Under Legally Binding Agreements About What They Can Say’ (Video)

On “The Late Show” Wednesday night, Stephen Colbert weighed in on the growing feud between Donald Trump and UN ambassador Nikki Haley

One of the bigger topics of the week that Stephen Colbert decided to talk about in his “Late Show” monologue Wednesday night was Donald Trump’s continually wishy-washy stance on Russia — from the brief hardline position he took before ordering the military to bomb Syria last week to his refusal to impose sanctions this week.

Specifically, Colbert wanted to talk about UN ambassador Nikki Haley, a Trump appointee who has been in a bit of a public scuffle with Trump over Russia of late, most recently when she went on “Face the Nation” on Sunday to declare that sanctions were definitely incoming and the announcement would be made soon.

“It turns out no one made the announcement because Trump scrapped any new sanctions against Russia, overruling his advisers. We tried to get a follow-up from Nikki Haley, but it’s so hard to reach her under that bus,” Colbert joked. “Apparently, when Trump saw Haley on TV saying Russia sanctions were coming, the president grew angry. And you wouldn’t like him when he’s angry — or any other time.

“And this is not the first time Trump has been mad at Haley over Russia. when he saw her criticizing Russia on TV, he started yelling at the screen, ‘Who wrote that for her? Who wrote that for her?’ Fun fact, Mr. President: not all women are under legally binding agreements about what they can say. Some of them just get to talk.”

Colbert then detailed how this conflict escalated a bit when Trump’s new economic adviser Larry Kudlow commented that “there might have been some momentary confusion” for Haley with her statement about the sanctions. To which Haley declared, “I don’t get confused.”

“Nikki Haley! Good for you, Nikki! Yeah! You hear that? Nikki Haley does not get confused! Except for that time she joined the Trump administration. Not sure what she was thinking then,” Colbert quipped.

“Trump may be angry because he accidentally appointed someone competent, and there are ramblings that Trump has grown suspicious of Haley’s ambition, and Republicans are whispering ‘about the prospect of an alliance between Ms. Haley and vice president Mike Pence, possibly to run as a ticket in 2020.’ That’s absurd. Mike Pence can’t be on a ticket with a woman who’s not his wife. He can’t do it.”

You can watch this portion of the monologue from Wednesday’s “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” in the video embedded at the top of this post.
