Colbert on #BringBackOurGirls: ‘Refreshing to See a Hashtag Campaign That Has Nothing to Do With Firing Me’ (Video)

The “Colbert Report” host reminded his audience about that time a hashtag threatened his career

The #BringBackOurGirls movement is one of the biggest trends in social media these days, and Stephen Colbert is thankful it’s not his name next to that hashtag.

“Folks, it’s refreshing to see the world get behind a hashtag campaign that has nothing to do with firing me,” Colbert said during Tuesday’s “Colbert Report.”

Also read: We Must #CancelColbert – And by the Way, Look How Not-Racist I Am

The Comedy Central personality, and future “Late Show” host, was referencing the #CancelColbert hashtag that was a trending topic for days in March after the show’s Twitter page tweeted an out-of-context joke mentioning the Asian community.

“I am willing to show #Asian community I care by introducing the Ching-Chong Ding-Dong Foundation for Sensitivity to Orientals or Whatever,” the tweet read.

Also read: Stephen Colbert Responds to Asian Tweet Backlash: ‘I Share Your Rage’

Colbert uttered the words during a bit in which he lampooned Washington Redskins owner  Dan Snyder’s statement that he was keeping the NFL team’s name intact, despite accusations that the name is racist, and spearheading an organization to benefit Native Americans.

The trend, however, quickly turned from backlash against Colbert to backlash against the very people offended by the joke.

See video: CNN’s Don Lemon Explodes at The Blaze’s Will Cain Over Michelle Obama ‘Cheap Activism’ Comments

Although Colbert said he admires the #BringBackOurGirls campaign — an international response to 230 school girls being kidnapped by terrorists in Nigeria — he’s unable to get on board with it because his conservative “friends,” like Rush Limbaugh, don’t agree with it.

His solution? Send in “Taken” star Liam Neeson to #BringBackOurGirls
