CNN’s GOP Debate Prequel: YouTube Meme ‘S— Politicians Say’ (Video)

The latest installment in the popular "S— [Blank] Says" arrived in advance of the GOP debate

Just in time for Thursday’s GOP debate on CNN, "Sh*t Politicians Say" went viral online. 

The video, the latest in the Internet meme, trots out actor Joe Leon to play the every-man politician — from Main Street, for Wall Street and and the consummate Washington in-out-sider.

Whether it’s from Barack Obama or potential challengers like Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney, chances are you’ve heard phrases like “moral fiber,” “Washington outsider” and “reach across the aisle” one too many times.

But if not, you can now hear all those clichés in one place.

It answers critical questions like "Is this a cowboy hat state?" and "Are you flip flopping?"

If you haven’t followed “S— [X] Says,” there are also memorable ones for New York and girls.

Here's the video:
