For those keeping score in this fast-paced Twitterverse, CNN host Piers Morgan was fake- suspended Thursday.
British news anchor Jon Snow tweeted that Morgan, who has been accused of complicity in phone hacking, had been suspended. That sent various media people on Twitter into a tizzy as the news spread instantaneously.
Almost as quickly, others responded to quell the allegations, ending the rumor in less than 20 minutes.
Morgan, known for his instaiable Twitter appetite, was one of the first responders: "Sorry to disappoint you all, but I'm afraid poor old @jonsnowC4 got duped by a fake Twitter account. I've not been suspended by CNN."
Snow soon admitted as much, tweeting: "Retraction ahoy..rumour mill produced info on Piers Morgan..was issued on a fake NOW truth that Piers Morgan suspended by CNN."
Snow also deleted his previous tweet alleging the suspension.