CNN’s Brian Stelter has been all over the Sony cyberattack story since it first broke weeks ago, and that didn’t change on Christmas Day—even from his mom’s house.
That’s right, Stelter reported from dear old mom’s house on Christmas, talking to Ashleigh Banfield about the release of “The Interview” on Google, YouTube, XBox and other devices.
“You’re such a serious, smart journalist, but I can not let you go before pointing out the fact that you’re doing your live shot from your mom’s house,” Banfield said.
“He’s wearing one of his presents,” Stelter’s mom, Donna, told Banfield when she came on-air to join her son’s report.
“Merry Christmas, thanks for letting us have your son on today, I’m sorry to interrupt your Christmas,” Banfield said to Stelter’s mom.
Friday morning, Stelter has moved out of mom’s house, reporting for CNN back at Time Warner Center. “Nice to see you back in the studio with me instead of your mom’s house,” Randi Kaye joked Friday morning with Stelter on-set.
Stelter reported Friday morning about the self-described “Lizard Squad,” which claims to be responsible for Christmas Day’s hack of Playstation and XBox.
“This was an anonymous group online that’s actually been claiming they were going to do this for weeks ahead of time,” Stelter said. “It’s a perverse form of entertainment for these hackers to try and take down the computer system at Sony and at Microsoft,” Stelter reported.
Watch the video above.