CNN Medical Analyst Debunks Joe Rogan’s ‘Crazy’ Home COVID Treatments

“He’s promoting kind of a crazy jumble,” Dr. Jonathan Reiner said of the podcast host

Reiner CNN

Joe Rogan has contracted COVID-19 and, after publicly saying he’s using unproven home treatments like Ivermectin and more, medical experts are speaking out. CNN medical analyst Dr. Jonathan Reiner debunked the methods on Wednesday night, noting that Rogan is using and promoting a “crazy jumble” of unproven remedies.

Appearing on Don Lemon’s show, Reiner first noted that Rogan did walk back one of his many comments against COVID safety protocols, wherein he said that young people who are healthy “don’t need to worry about” Covid. Days later, Rogan recanted that statement, saying “I’m not a doctor, I’m a f—ing moron.”

To that, Reiner readily agreed. “I won’t quibble with that,” he said on Wednesday, before tearing apart Rogan’s current COVID treatment regimen. First and foremost, Reiner addressed Ivermectin, a medication typically used for deworming animals like horses, which Rogan confirmed he’s taking.

“It doesn’t work. I wish it worked,” Reiner said. “It would be great if it worked. You know, it’s an old drug. It’s a cheap drug. It would be fantastic if it worked. It doesn’t work. We know that.”

Reiner then went on to debunk the rest of Rogan’s chosen methods piece by piece.

“He said he received monoclonal antibodies. It’s really not indicated for him. It’s indicated for people with mild to moderate symptoms at high risk of progression. It doesn’t seem like that’s him,” Reiner continued. “He said he took steroids: prednisone. That’s only indicated for hospitalized patients on oxygen therapy. And finally, he said he took azithromycin, an antibiotic, which doesn’t work for a viral illness. We know that.”

After picking apart why exactly Rogan’s choices are likely ineffective, Reiner then went on to slam the podcast host for the danger he’s putting other people in by advocating for these unproven treatments.

“He’s promoting kind of a crazy jumble of, you know, sort of folk remedies and internet-prescribed drugs. It’s, again, dangerous now,” Reiner added. “He should have more sense after encountering the disease. And again, I hope he does well and gets well quickly. He’s not helping matters when he promotes this sort of nonsense therapeutic mix.”
