CNN Contributor Says US Should ‘Blow Up’ Russian Intelligence Over Election Meddling (Video)

“We were and are under attack by a hostile foreign power,” Paul Begala says

CNN political contributor and former Clinton Administration staffer Paul Begala suggested that America should “blow up” Russian intelligence because of the alleged meddling in the 2016 election.

“We were and are under attack by a hostile foreign power,” Begala said Thursday night on “Anderson Copper 360.”

“We should be debating how many sanctions we should place on Russia or whether we should blow up the KGB, GSU, or GRU. We should be retaliating massively,” Begala said.

The Clinton ally said that he would want to ” retaliate massively” if he were a Trump supporter because the Russian interference “tainted his victory.”

Most Americans would probably consider Begala’s suggestion to “blow up” Russian intelligence agencies fairly extremely, as it would most likely start a nuclear war. The U.S. continues to investigate the alleged Russian meddling into the election and Vladimir Putin continued to deny any involvement during a recent meeting with President Trump.

Meanwhile, the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Chuck Grassley said on Thursday he is asking Donald Trump Jr. to testify and will subpoena if necessary after the president’s son tweeted a 2016 email exchange with a Russian lawyer regarding potentially damaging information against Clinton.

The top Democrat on the committee, California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, told CNN on Thursday that she wants the president’s oldest son to go before the committee as early as next week.

Check out the video above.
