Hillary Clinton is still the favorite to win the 2016 presidential election. But Democrats may find the following five pieces of news ominous — and they may provide hope to Trump supporters. We’re only using reputable, mainstream outlets here, so get ready to worry or rejoice, depending on your leanings.

1. The Stock Market Points to a Trump Win
An analysis by Strategas Research Partners LLC says the S&P 500 Index’s performance has signaled the results of every presidential election since 1984 — and current numbers indicate Trump will win, Bloomberg reports.

2. Early African-American Turnout Is Down in Key States
Hillary Clinton doesn’t seem to be energizing African-American voters, who lean Democratic, like President Obama did in 2008 and 2012, the New York Times reports, citing early voting in the key states of North Carolina, Florida, and Ohio.

3. Nate Silver Says Trump ‘Has a Path to Victory’
When the country’s predictor-in-chief says Trump still has a chance, you may want to pay attention to him.

5. This Professor Who’s Called Every Race Since 1984 Says Trump Will Win
Allan J. Lichtman, distinguished professor of history at American University, uses 13 “keys” or indicators to predict the president. He told The Washington Post last week that he stands by his early prediction that Trump will win.

6. Gamblers Are Breaking Trump’s Way
Ireland’s largest bookmaker, Paddy Power, says 91 percent of bets on the presidential election Monday and Tuesday were for Trump, according to Bloomberg. Yes, there are probably more scientific indicators out there… but Hillary supporters will be hoping these last-minute betters don’t have the luck o’ the Irish.

Of course, there’s an old joke that only one poll matters… and it’s the one we all take on election day. Whoever you support, remember to go to the polls Tuesday, Nov. 8.

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