"Innocence of Muslims" actress Cindy Lee Garcia — whose appeal to remove the controversial video from YouTube was denied Thursday morning by a Los Angeles Superior Court judge — has made public excerpts from the script for "Desert Warrior," a historic epic that she believed she was actually making.
Garcia, who appears only briefly in the video, filed a lawsuit for fraud and slander against YouTube owner Google and the man behind the video, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula. But Judge Luis Lavin ruled that Garcia did not present enough evidence in court.
The actress claims that she was duped and that scenes for the film she thought she was making were used to make “Innocence” without her knowledge.
“I was asked to say George, and they changed it to Mohammed,” she told TheWrap.
She presented the script's excerpts to reporters in Los Angeles at an impromptu press conference after the court ruling.
Click here to read the excerpt
It begins by outlining her character in “Desert Warrior” as Om Ramon, a woman who is “sitting quietly and knitting when Kero (her husband) enters excitedly.”
It doesn’t resemble anything that might incite outrage in the Arab world.
Her first lines to her husband begin: “What is wrong with you husband? We do not have that much to be happy for.” No reference to Mohammed or Muslims can be found in the excerpt, which which included just the scenes in which Garcia appeared.
Garcia also showed reporters a call sheet for “Desert Warrior,” which she said she was told was a historic film set 2,000 years ago.
"Innocence of Muslims" has incited unrest blamed for 30 deaths in the Middle East and North Africa. The American ambassador in Libya is among the dead, and the U.S. is investigating whether the film was a factor or his death resulted from a strike planned to correspond with the anniversary of 9/11.
At the press conference, Garcia and her lawyer said they would be back in court in three weeks for another hearing to appeal Thursday's ruling and ask for a preliminary injunction.