Christine O’Donnell’s First TV Campaign Ad: ‘I’m Not a Witch — I’m You’

Delaware Republican senatorial candidate responds to Bill Maher comments

A few weeks ago, Christine O’Donnell, the Republican senatorial nominee from Delaware, announced on Fox News that she planned to blacklist all national media requests after Bill Maher unearthed a clip of an appearance she made on his show years ago in which she admitted dabbling in witchcraft.

In a surreal move, O’Donnell addresses the witchcraft issue head-on in her first national television ad.

"I am not a witch. I'm nothing you've heard. I'm you. None of us are perfect. But none of us can be happy with what we see all around us. Politicians who think spending, trading favors and backroom deals are the way to stay in office. I'll go to Washington and do what you'd do. I'm Christine O'Donnell and I approve this message. I'm you."

I don’t know who’s advising O’Donnell, but this isn’t the way to squash a controversy.

Perhaps they were thinking the spot would do the trick. It doesn’t.
