Christina Hendricks Does Another Etsy Photo Shoot

New photos of the “Mad Men” star modeling on the handmade arts, crafts and fashion website

Her performance as sexy office mastermind/secretary Joan Holloway on "Mad Men" has landed Christina Hendricks several gigs as a fashion magazine cover model, but she also appears in photo shoots in a more unexpected place — the online handmade markeptlace 

TV Hunter first found photos of Hendricks on Etsy June 25. Hendricks wore a knit scarf that was created by her friend Tamara Mello who has an Etsy store called Blackbird Design House.

Mello is also an actress. She's best known for playing Lily Esposito on the WB sitcom "Popular," which ran from 1999-2001. 

(See also: Jimmy Fallon's 'Mad Men' spoof)

Several more photos of Hendricks have been posted since we last looked at Mello's shop, the most recent pictures were added Tuesday. The new photos show Hendricks wearing four different hand-knit scarves.

All of the scarves are on sale for $130. This is one of two online options for fans and/or creepy stalkers to buy clothing worn by Hendricks. A dress she sported during an episode of "Mad Men" is on sale in  a charity auction on eBay along with furniture from the show's old sets.  
