Chris Hemsworth was deadly serious when he sat down opposite Jimmy Fallon for a game of “Water War” on NBC’s “The Tonight Show” Wednesday night.
Both men used the fake-out technique for the first two tosses of water, talking about unrelated things to take their opponent off his guard before dousing him with a glass of water.
The game, which Fallon has played before, is a variation on the classic card game War. Both opponents flip a card, and the high card wins. If there’s a tie, they drop three face-down cards and flip again. It’s as simple as that.
But Fallon raised the stakes by adding an element of danger. Each person has five glasses of water standing by. For each victory, they can soak their opponent with a glass of water. The first person to empty all five glasses wins and gets to seal the deal by soaking their opponent with a water cannon.
Really, it’s just an excuse to get the guest — in this case Chris Hemsworth— soaked down in a white dress shirt. But who’s complaining?
Certainly no one in the audience was.
Hemsworth was an absolute disaster at the game of chance, losing almost every round. Would swapping decks with Fallon make a difference?
Find out who won by watching the full game here.
Chris Hemsworth stars in “Blackhat,” in theaters Friday, Jan. 16. “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” airs weeknights at 11:35 p.m. ET on NBC.