Chris Evans Follows His Destiny in New ‘Snowpiercer’ Trailer (Video)

The "Captain America" star leads a revolution on a train in the futuristic sci-fi thriller

Chris Evans is destined to fight his way to the front of a massive train in a new trailer for "The Host" director Bong Joon-ho's first English-language feature film, "Snowpiercer."

The sci-fi film takes place in a future where humanity's failure to prevent global warming has caused an ice age. Survivors live in a segregated caste system on the titular train, which is the setting for a revolution Evans is leading.

See photo: 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier' First Look Movie Poster Released

Jamie Bell, Ed Harris, Octavia Spencer and Tilda Swinton co-star in the thriller The Weinstein Company acquired last November

As of now, there is no domestic release date, which explains why all of the trailers released so far are aimed at an international audience.

Watch the video:
