Chelsea Clinton: ‘Please Leave Judge Kavanaugh’s Daughters Alone’

Former first daughter calls out cartoon depicting daughter of Supreme Court Justice nominee as “bullying”

Chelsea Clinton

Chelsea Clinton has come out in defense of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s daughter, after a political cartoon featuring 10-year-old Liza Kavanaugh sparked outrage from critics who argued that children of prominent political figures should be off limits.

“Please leave Judge Kavanaugh’s daughters alone,” she tweeted Wednesday. “They do not belong in your cartoons, ‘jokes’, or skits. If you can’t make your point about Judge Kavanaugh, whatever it may be, without bullying his kids, it’s not worth making.”

Last week, Chris Britt, a veteran Creators Syndicate editorial cartoonist, came under fire after publishing a cartoon that seemed to mock Brett Kavanaugh’s young daughter for praying.

The cartoon was in reference to Judge Kavanaugh’s opening statement last week, in which the Supreme Court nominee said that his daughter suggested to her mother to pray for Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, who accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her in the early 1980s.

The cartoon, showing Liza during a bedtime prayer, was titled: “Kavanaugh’s daughter says another prayer.” A speech bubble above the girl’s head, read: “Dear God, Forgive my angry, alcoholic father for sexually assaulting Dr. Ford.” (Kavanaugh has repeatedly denied Ford’s accusation.)

The image sparked swift backlash on social media. Britt told The Washington Post that he has received multiple death threats as a result and that he has filed a report with law enforcement.

“I don’t mind people being angry with my cartoons,” he said, but people “posting my home address online and [threatening] me” is another matter.
