ChatGPT Proves That AI Could Be a Major Threat to Hollywood Creatives – and Not Just Below the Line | PRO Insight

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The entertainment industry remains human for now… but chatbots threaten to replace us all

ai wave chatbot
Photo illustration by TheWrap (Getty Images)

As we end 2022, content has never been more king. We consumers enjoy endless choices of movies and television, and our appetites are never sated. Meanwhile, creators have never enjoyed so much freedom to drive their visions in a streaming-first world that has shattered traditional “stay-in-the-box” rules. Gone are 22-minute sitcoms and 44-minute dramas. Welcome to more opportunities for bold new voices to tell diverse stories in entirely new ways. But while storytellers rightfully bask in today’s spotlight, a new very nonhuman player, ChatGPT, poses a fundamental question about who that storyteller will be – and how artificial intelligence (AI) will transform Hollywood (and all of our jobs) in the years ahead.
