With the debut of ABC's new "Charlie's Angels" a little more than a month away, the show still needs a Charlie.
The disembodied voice of the Angels' boss was to have been performed by Robert Wagner, who bailed out over scheduling conflicts last month. Though he's heard in the pilot, his voice will be replaced before the show goes to air Sept. 22. (Charlie was first voiced by John Forsythe, who died last year. Producers dryly note that he is thus "technically unavailable.")
Talking to reporters at the Television Critics Association summer press tour, executive producer Al Gough dismissed TheWrap's earnest suggestion: Charlie Sheen.
Stay with us here. He has the deep voice, he's used to having multiple women at his beck and call, and he's named Charlie. The voice work woudn't be too intensive, and who knows — he just might generate some more buzz for the show.
But Gough isn't having it.
"No chance of Charlie Sheen," he said. "I think there's an insurance issue."
Gough said a new Charlie will be announced soon, and said the producers are looking for an actor who combines "a certain level of mystery, paternal-ness, and authority."
The show, which eschews much of the camp of the original show and the film adaptations, also plans to expand on Charlie's origin and relationship with the ever-capable Bosley, Gough said.
And also, to never have any fun, ever.