Charlie Sheen Gets Boos, Then Standing Ovations in New York

Two nights after boos, Sheen returns for good night at Radio City Music Hall

Talk about bi-polar: Two days after Charlie Sheen was booed at New York's Radio City Music Hall, he bounced back to score two standing ovations Sunday in what was by all indications a more positive-minded show.

On Sunday, Sheen said again that he was willing to return to "Two and a Half Men," and even had not-terrible words for creator Chuck Lorre, saying he "doesn't completely suck," according to TMZ's blow-by-blow of the night. He also called co-star Jon Cryer a rock star and apologized for calling him a troll.

Also read: Exclusive: Sheen NYC Case Still Open

On Friday, Sheen was in a less charitable mood, mocking Oliver Stone, who cast him in breakthrough roles in "Platoon" and "Wall Street": "I'll buy an Academy Award from Oliver Stone 'cause he's now broke," Sheen said, according to People.

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