The Jawdropping Year of Shonda Rhimes: Cell Phone Penis Pics, Bitch Babies, Ice Cream Orgasms (Video)

“Grey’s Anatomy,” “Scandal” and “How to Get Away With Murder” left fans breathless and glued to their seats every Thursday night

ABC’s Thursday night lineup is on a winter break, and as much as it hurts to say goodbye to television this riveting, it’s not altogether a bad thing. The hiatus allows viewers of “Grey’s Anatomy,” “Scandal” and “How to Get Away With Murder” a moment to catch their collective breaths.

But before you get too comfortable, TheWrap invites you to sit back and remember all those moments that left you clawing at the edges of your couch and gasping in disbelief each Thursday night in 2014 with a video compilation of all three shows’ producer Shonda Rhimes’ most outrageous moments.
