ABC premiered new seasons for its summer game shows — “Celebrity Family Feud,” “Press Your Luck” and “Match Game” — on Sunday, when the network coasted to a comfortable ratings win in the key demo.
CBS, which opened primetime with “60 Minutes” and filled up the rest with an “Indiana Jones” movie, was No. 1 in terms of total viewers.
ABC was first in ratings with a 1.0 rating/6 share in the advertiser-coveted 18-49 demographic and second in total viewers with an average of 5.3 million, according to preliminary numbers. “America’s Funnest Home Videos” at 7 p.m. had a 0.9/6 and 5.6 million viewers. At 8, “Celebrity Family Feud” returned to a 1.0/6 and 6 million viewers. “Press Your Luck” at 9 landed a 1.0/5 and 5.1 million viewers. At 10, “Match Game” got a 0.9/5 and 4.4 million viewers.
CBS was second in ratings with a 0.7/4 and first in viewers with 5.9 million. At 7, “60 Minutes” drew a 0.7/5 and 8.3 million viewers. The movie re-air followed.
NBC was third in ratings with a 0.6/3 and in viewers with 3 million, airing all reruns.
Fox was fourth in ratings with a 0.4/2 and in viewers with 1.2 million, also airing all repeats.
Univision and Telemundo tied for fifth in ratings, both with a 0.3/2. Univision was fifth in total viewers with 1 million, Telemundo was sixth with 916,000.
The CW was seventh in ratings with a 0.2/1 and in viewers with 753,000, running only repeats.