“Celebrity Apprentice” contestants Vince Neil and Boy George very nearly came to blows on set, fellow contestant and former UFC title contender Chael Sonnen says.
“Those guys had real-life heat,” Sonnen told TMZ. “They had a real-life confrontation. It was a fight. It was verbal but it was escalating very quickly.”
According to Sonnen, the fight started when George, a recovering alcoholic, objected to Neil drinking a glass of wine during the filming of a challenge for the show. But before any punches were thrown, production staff came in and shut the whole thing down.
“I’m just a bystander but I’m there like, ‘Guys, are we looking for ratings or not?’” Sonnen said. “They screwed up. That was a huge miss and someone should have a talking-to.”
While Sonnen was discussing the “Celebrity Apprentice” fight caught on camera, another was unfolding on Twitter. On Friday morning, President-elect and former “Celebrity Apprentice” host (you read that right) Donald Trump took a swipe at new host Arnold Schwarzenegger for the show’s lackluster ratings.
“Wow, the ratings are in and Arnold Schwarzenegger got ‘swamped’ (or destroyed) by comparison to the ratings machine, DJT,” Trump tweeted. “So much for being a movie star-and that was season 1 compared to season 14. Now compare him to my season 1.”
Schwarzenegger decided to take the high road, responding to Trump’s insults by posting a video of himself reading a quote from Abraham Lincoln.