It’s Betty White’s 95th birthday today, so let’s celebrate by jumping into the pit with her.
Back in 2010, White hosted “Saturday Night Live” on Mothers’ Day weekend to rave reviews. One of the many highlights was a digital short in which the show’s cast sang “Thank You For Being A Friend” from her show, “The Golden Girls,” to show their appreciation for the elderly actress.
White thanked Andy Samberg and company for their sweet rendition…but noted that she preferred her version. With that, White slipped on a ski mask and ripped into a death-metal cover of the hit show’s theme song, rocking out with a mosh pit filled with headbangers clad in black. The sketch ended with White wishing the audience, “Happy Mothers’ Day, motherf—ers!”
Maybe we shouldn’t be surprised that Betty White has an interest in death metal. After all, she is one of the most famous animal rights activists in Hollywood. Perhaps she found a Cattle Decapitation album and got interested in the vegan band’s anti-factory farming and anti-meat eating songs like “Deadmeal,” “Gristle Licker,” and “Colonic Villus Biopsy Performed On The Gastro-Intestinally Incapable.”
Watch Betty White give her best Cookie Monster growl in the clip above.