CBS will air "Teach," a new two-hour special from "Waiting for Superman" director Davis Guggenheim, on Sept. 6, the network announced.
The show, from Participant Media, follows four exceptional teachers through the 2012-13 school year and answers the question, "What does it take to be a teacher?," CBS said.
The special comes at a time when 60 percent of America's teachers are expected to retire in the next decade, CBS said. It kicks off an 18-month campaign by Participant Media to encourage students and recent graduates to go into teaching.
"We all have had a teacher who’s shaped us, inspired us, even scared us, and who we can credit with having empowered us to become who we are today,” said Jack Sussman, executive vice president of specials, music and live events for CBS Entertainment. “This special celebrates those educators who, despite many hurdles and obstacles, aspire to bring inspiration to their students to succeed.”
"Teach" is Guggenheim's third documentary about education, following "Waiting for Superman" and "The First Year." He also directed the Academy Award-winning "An Inconvenient Truth."
"I believe teachers are heroes and have the ability to make an incredible impact in the long-term future of our kids,” said Guggenheim. “The airing of 'Teach' on CBS is another milestone in Participant’s long-term commitment to raise the visibility of the teaching profession and support efforts to recruit the next generation of great educators."