Marrakech Film Fest: A Celebration of Cinema in the Shadow of Poverty (Guest Blog)
It would be easy to walk through the Kasbah thinking, “these poor people, living the way they do while their leadership entertains movie stars”
When Activists Make Movies: The Nuclear Arms Race is Relevant Again With ‘Fallout’ (Guest Blog)
The documentary details the making of Stanley Kramer’s epic “On the Beach”
Richard Stellar -
Maurice Hines is Tracing His Tap Dance Roots (Guest Blog)
The stage legend is sustaining his family’s legacy with the autobiographical play “Maurice Hines is Tappin’ Thru Life”
Aviva Kempner -
10 Highs (and Lows) From ‘The Voice’ Final 5 Performances (Guest Blog)
A Season 2 semifinalist, I blog about the NBC competition every week for TheWrap
Katrina Parker -
How Nelson Mandela’s Spirit Can Inspire Us All (Guest Blog)
Ordinary people can be extraordinary if they’re willing to fight for their rights
Jeff Dowd -
Darren Aronofsky’s ‘Noah’ Set to Flood ‘Cli Fi’ Zone (Guest Blog)
Climate fiction is hotter than ever in the aftermath of real-life disasters Super Typhoon Haiyan and Superstorm Sandy
Dan Bloom -
11 Best (and Worst) Moments From ‘The Voice’ Top 6 Performances (Guest Blog)
A Season 2 alum, I blog about the NBC talent competition weekly for TheWrap
Katrina Parker -
10 High (and Low) Notes From ‘The Voice’ Top 8 Performances (Guest Blog)
A Season 2 alum, I blog about the NBC talent competition every week
Katrina Parker -
Digital Content, Niche Networks Creating Non-Traditional Opportunities for Producers (Guest Blog)
By giving consumers the power to control their viewing habits, we are seeing more opportunities
Billy Frank -
12 High (and Low) Notes From ‘The Voice’ Top 10 Performances (Guest Blog)
A Season 2 Alum, I blog about the NBC talent competition every week for TheWrap
Katrina Parker -
Alec Baldwin, ‘Blackfish’ and Vermin with Cameras (Guest Blog)
“If we are patient, we will get our reward one day: A violent outburst that ends badly”
13 Highs (and Lows) From ‘The Voice’ Live Shows Week 2 (Guest Blog)
A Season 2 alum, I blog about the NBC competition show for TheWrap every week
Katrina Parker -
Horror is Hot … How Horrible Do You Have to Be? (Guest Blog)
Today’s AFM is a leaner affair, but when it comes to horror, the surviving indies have resorted to the same formula
16 Best (and Worst) Moments From ‘The Voice’ Live Shows Week 1 (Guest Blog)
A Season 2 alum, I weigh in on the NBC competition weekly
Katrina Parker -
Bobby D and the Boys of ‘Last Vegas’ Retain Their Sexuality in Their Golden Years (Guest Blog)
Sure, we have the Medicare and Viagra gags, but the comedic chops these guys display makes the script’s flaws forgivable
Carole Mallory