Mark Lipsky
Film Piracy — or Why a Movie Is Like a Ripe Banana
Instead of spending ridiculous amounts of time and money fighting the symptom, spend some time and a whole lot less money researching the disease
Mark Lipsky -
That’s One Way to Get a Film Made
Alexia Anastasio told renowned animator Bill Plympton she wanted to make a movie about him
Mark Lipsky -
Feeding the Hunger for Filmmaking Advice
An offer of help brings in an amazing screenplay that really must get made
Mark Lipsky -
A Rush to the Graveyard: VOD
Streaming is the future of digital delivery, not video-on-demand
Mark Lipsky -
Hell on Earth: Independent Film, the Infomercial
How have so many people been hoodwinked by Marc Rosenbush?
Mark Lipsky -
Don’t Give Up Your Day Job! (If You Have One)
Let’s reclaim the term “independent filmmaking” and return it to what it was meant to be
Mark Lipsky -
The Myth of the “Indie” Film
There was a time that Google was considered an upstart; a maverick search engine going up against the likes of Yahoo and Microsoft and a raft of other better known, better financed companies. Similarly, film distributors like Miramax, Vestron and October Films were scrappy mavericks going up against the major studios. They were underdogs. They…
Mark Lipsky