“Cat Person,” an adaptation of Kristen Roupenian’s insanely popular (and equally controversial) 2017 New Yorker short story, has just debuted the first official trailer ahead of its October launch from Rialto Pictures and StudioCanal. You can watch it above and get totally creeped out.
In “Cat Person,” Emilia Jones (“Coda”) plays Margot, who starts to date an older man (“Succession” star Nicholas Braun) before discovering something much more sinister lurking beneath the surface. Geraldine Viswanathan, Hope Davis, Michael Gandolfini, Liza Koshy, Fred Melamed, Isaac Cole Powell and Isabella Rossellini also star in the thriller.
“Cat Person” was written by Michelle Ashford and directed by Susanna Fogel, who cowrote “Booksmart” and directed “The Spy Who Dumped Me” along with episodes of “Amazing Stories,” “The Flight Attendant,” “Utopia” (where she worked with Jones) and “A Small Light.”
The movie debuted at the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year. Our review out of the fest said it was “just as unsettling as the story that inspired it.”
“It is a bold, stylish and dynamic adaptation that makes big choices that may have one puzzling through both the characters’ and filmmakers’ intentions — or maybe not,” the review continued. “It is a mirror after all, and the moral of the story is left up to us, which is perhaps the most daring move of all.”
The short story’s publication in the New Yorker sparked a publishers’ bidding war for Roupenian’s debut book. (She got a $1.2 million advance for “You Know You Want This,” which came out in 2019.) She also sold an original horror screenplay, “Bodies Bodies Bodies,” to A24. The eventual film was heavily rewritten and Roupenian got a “story by” credit.
“Like the short story that stirred so much controversy, ‘Cat Person’ will call upon you to reflect on romantic encounters you’ve had in the past, and to question the role (or multiple roles) you may have played. We’ve all been the victim in some narratives and the villain in others, and I hope you’ll walk out of this film with a strong opinion, ready to debate,” Fogel said in an official statement.
“Cat Person” opens theatrically on Oct. 6.