Warner Animation Group has formed a creative partnership with Dr. Seuss Enterprises to produce multiple feature films based on Dr. Seuss characters, Warner Bros. announced Wednesday.
The first collaboration will be an animated “The Cat in the Hat” film.
“Our Pictures Group is home to some of the world’s most popular film franchises, and we’re honored to add Dr. Seuss titles to that roster,” said Toby Emmerich, chairman of the Warner Bros. Pictures Group. “With Warner Animation Group, we’ve really revitalized our feature animation activities, and this partnership with Dr. Seuss Enterprises will continue our move into world-class, wide-appeal animated fare.”
Susan Brandt, President of Dr. Seuss Enterprises, added, “For generations, Dr. Seuss has entertained and delighted children and adults alike with his whimsical tales. Our partnership with Warner Animation Group continues those efforts by reimagining the beloved characters and stories for theater going audiences, while keeping the integrity of Dr. Seuss’s vision intact.”
WAG will assemble a team of writers, producers and directors for the Dr. Seuss projects. Current WAG titles in production include “Smallfoot,” “The LEGO Movie Sequel” and “S.C.O.O.B.” The division also has a number of animated and live-action titles in development.
“The Cat in the Hat” was first published in 1957, a story that centers on a tall anthropomorphic cat who wears a red and white striped hat. In 2003, a live-action film adaptation was released starring Mike Myers as the Cat.