Cassidy Hutchinson Attests Trump Lacks the Attention Span for an Average Meeting: ‘His Eyes Often Wandered the Room’ (Video)

Rachel Maddow interviews the former White House aide about Trump-damning excerpts from her tell-all book, “Enough”

If Cassidy Hutchinson’s Monday night interview with Rachel Maddow is any indication, her upcoming tell-all memoir, “Enough,” is chockfull of damning accounts of former President Donald Trump’s actions and behavior while in the White House — even before Jan. 6, 2021.

In one excerpt, for example, the former White House aide for then-Chief of Staff Mark Meadows writes, per Maddow, that Trump lacks the attention span for an everyday meeting.

“You said, ‘He had a restless and impulsive personality.’ You described his attention span not being up to an average meeting — ‘I noticed that his eyes often wandered the room when the meetings outlasted his attention span,’” Maddow read Monday from “Enough.”

Going through several more excerpts regarding Trump, a man that Hutchinson also admits was at one point someone she had deep respect and admiration for, Maddow also read about his leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I was struck in the book not just about what you said about Jan. 6, but some of the other ways that you described what was bad about him as a president,” Maddow began. “On COVID, you said, ‘I doubt any politician could have led the country through the deadliest pandemic in 100 years without making errors of judgement and execution, but of all the people in the world, President Trump was uniquely unsuited to the challenge. He lacked empathy and was stubborn and impatient.”

Joined with Trump’s involvement in the Jan. 6 insurrection and the four outstanding indictments against him, Maddow couldn’t help but wonder aloud just what today’s Republican Party continues to see in him going into the 2024 presidential primaries, a race in which he leads in all polling against his GOP competitors.

“I can’t speak to the psyche of my — I won’t say ‘my fellow Republicans’ because I don’t think we are a part of the same Republican Party,” Hutchinson responded. “I still consider myself a Republican. I consider myself a Republican in the sense of Sen. Mitt Romney and the Reagan Republican Party.

“I believe that the Republican Party needs a strong conservative party. I do not believe that Mr. Trump is a strong Republican, but in this next election cycle, it’s, in my opinion, it’s the make-or-break moment for the Republican Party,” she continued. “Now is the time, if these politicians, these men and some women that are currently in Congress, want to make the break and want to take the stand, they have to do it now. We can’t wait any longer for them to do it. I don’t know why they’re so willing to support him. I think it’s extremely disappointing and it is not a hard issue to take. We’re talking about a man who at the very essence of his being almost destroyed democracy in one day — and he wants to do it again. He wants to president to do it again.”

Watch Hutchinson’s full interview on “The Rachel Maddow Show” in the video above.
