Cardi B Visits ‘Hot Ones’ and Reveals She Is ‘Obsessed With War,’ Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt (Video)

The “Bongos” rapper told host Sean Evans, “I saw the room where Churchill and FDR was talking about the nuke. That is crazy to me! Like, I’m really here!”

Cardi B finally visited “Hot Ones” recently, and the “Bongos” rapper made sure that her episode of the popular YouTube series was one of the best. In a wide-ranging interview that covered everything from aliens to hats to the 32nd President, Franklin D. Roosevelt (“If anybody loves me, know me, I love FDR,” she explains) Cardi powered her way through hot wings that left her so uncomfortable she commented, “I feel like my tongue is drunk.”

In one segment of the show, Cardi and Sean Evans are discussing her obsession with war when the rapper admits that she “loves” learning as much as she can about World War II in particular.

When asked if she has “an amazing cultural moment” to share, Cardi is ready. “What stays in my mind, like for a long time, is that I went to FDR’s house,” she began. “If anybody loves me, know me, I love FDR … and I love Eleanor Roosevelt.”

She praised the former president as the “only president that got elected four times, while he’s in a wheelchair” before she added, “I grew up reading a lot about Eleanor Roosevelt… she had a very sad life. And like, when I went to her house, she had a different house from her husband because, you know, FDR mama, she was always around, and she didn’t really like that.”

“Eleanor wanted her space,” Cardi continued. “Just like me, I want my own space all the time.”

It turns out that Cardi B spent some serious time visiting the home, including the room where FDR and former Prime Minister Winston Churchill discussed the atomic bomb. “That is crazy to me! Like, I’m really here.”

The pair also discussed aliens, which Cardi has ruled out as a possibility. She said, “If aliens are real and they’re smarter than us, I just feel like, why haven’t they invaded us? liens, if they’re smart, they know how humans are. Humans are despicable! They want to take over everything.”

Watch the entire “Hot Ones” interview with Cardi B in the video above. The aliens chat begins around the 8:50 mark, and her comments about FDR start around 16:08.
