Fox News Guest Candace Owens Says Kanye West Is ‘One of the Bravest Men in America’ (Video)

“I had tears in my eyes,” Turning Point USA Communications Director tells “Fox & Friends” of rapper’s “SNL” MAGA moment

Regular Fox News guest Candace Owens said Kanye West is “one of the bravest men in America right now” while speaking with “Fox & Friends” this morning about the rapper’s MAGA moment during Saturday’s “SNL” season premiere.

“Oh my goodness. I had tears in my eyes. I cannot tell you how happy I have been for the last 24 hours,” Owens said of West’s cap choice and his unpopular post-show political rant. “A much-needed reprieve from the Brett Kavanaugh debacle was Kanye West stepping on stage and saying what has been needed to be said for a very long time.”

“Look, there is no doubt that he is one of the bravest men in America right now,” she continued. “The left has declared war on our American values and Kanye is fighting the cultural front.”

Watch the Fox News morning show appearance above. Owens is communications director for Turning Point USA and a friend of West’s.

On Saturday, West surprised “SNL” viewers when he showed up at the end of the show for a third song wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat, which was Donald Trump’s rallying cry during the 2016 election. Things got crazier after the NBC cameras were turned off, according to Instagram videos which began percolating Sunday morning.

In footage shot by Chris Rock and others, Kanye was singing when he pointed to someone in the audience and said, “You see, they’re laughing at me. You heard ’em, they scream at me.” He added angrily, “They bullied me. They bullied me backstage. They said, ‘don’t go out there with that hat on.’”

“Ninety percent of news are liberal. Ninety percent of TV, L.A., New York, writers, rappers, musicians, so it’s easy to make it seem like it’s so so so one-sided,” he said. “You know it’s like the plan — the Democratic plan — to take the fathers out the home and promote welfare. Does anybody know about that? That’s the Democratic plan.”

He continued, as the audience booed: “So many times I talk to a white person about this and they say ‘how can you like Trump? He’s racist. If I was concerned about racism, I would have moved out of America a long time ago.”
