BuzzFeed News Fires Senior Reporter for Plagiarism

A note from BuzzFeed News’ editor in chief Mark Schoofs on Friday disclosed the issue

Drew Angerer/Getty Images

BuzzFeed News has fired a senior reporter it says plagiarized or misattributed information in at least 11 of his articles, an individual with knowledge of the matter confirmed to TheWrap.

The reporter, Ryan Broderick, was the author of 11 articles linked in a Friday evening note to readers from BuzzFeed News’ editor in chief, Mark Schoofs, who said the articles in question contained information and phrases that were not properly attributed to their original sources. (Schoofs’ note did not explicitly name Broderick or address whether he had been fired.)

“It is BuzzFeed News’ policy that nothing may be copied, pasted, and passed off as one’s own work, and that all quotes should be attributed.
