Burger King Serves Up Net Neutrality Explainer by Slowing Down the Whopper (Video)

In a new ad campaign, MBPS stands for “Making Burgers Per Second”

Customers at one Burger King restaurant got dial-up food over fast food this week.

Burger King staged a new ad campaign to educate consumers about net neutrality. Just as internet service providers can now slow down traffic to certain websites, Burger King put up a special menu and a secret camera in one of their stores to see how customers would react when the delivery of their Whoppers was slowed down.

“MBPS of course means Making Burgers Per Second,” a clerk says to a bemused customer in the video.

For the purposes of the campaign, you could order a Whopper at “Slow MBPS,” “Fast MBPS” or “Hyperfast MBPS” for up to $25.99 for those who elected to pay in the priority “fast lane.” And they weren’t happy about having to pay an extra $20 bucks or wait an extra 10-15 minutes for a burger that was already prepared.

“Burger King believes they can sell more and make more money selling chicken sandwiches or chicken fries, so now they’re slowing down the access to the Whopper,” the clerk said in the video. Of course, customers were offered the “option” of a chicken sandwich, but when you want a Whopper, there’s no replacement.

Burger King did a similar ad campaign to raise awareness about the affects of bullying, watching how people would react when a sandwich was “bullied” and abused. According to AdWeek, David Miami — who is behind the bullying PSA and others for the fast food company — also made the new ad.

“This effort aims to help people understand how the repeal of Net Neutrality will impact their lives. The BURGER KING® brand believes the Internet should be like the WHOPPER sandwich: the same for everyone,” the company wrote on their YouTube page, encouraging people to sign a petition to save Net Neutrality at Change.org.

Watch the video above.
