James Corden attempted to become the eighth member of BTS during Tuesday’s installment of “Carpool Karaoke,” when a misunderstanding during the car ride led the “Late Late Show” host to drag V, Jungkook, Jimin, RM, Jin, SUGA and J-Hope to his weekly PlyoJam class in order to prove he has the moves to join them on a world tour.
Yeah, no, he definitely doesn’t. But to be fair, the boys did have a bit of a hard time keeping up with the steps in the exercise class — even though Corden and his classmates had a much harder time memorizing one of BTS’ routines.
Now, this whole “eighth member” attempt started during BTS’ car ride with Corden, when the guys asked what happens if there are ever eight other people the late-night host needs to fit into the vehicle for “Carpool Karaoke,” because the car only seats eight — and he needs to be one of those eight.
“Be honest, hang on, I think I hear what you’re saying — is this your way of asking me to join the band? Is that what you’re doing?” Corden asked. “It feels like that’s what’s happening. Is that what’s happening? ‘Cause I will quit this job in a heartbeat to join BTS.”
OK, so now you know how they wound up at Corden’s PlyoJam class.
Earlier in the segment, Corden (nicknamed “Papa Mochi” by BTS) and the international superstars sang tracks off the band’s new album, “Map of the Soul: 7,” as well as covers of Bruno Mars’ “Finesse (Remix) (feat. Cardi B)” and “Circles” by Post Malone.
We also found out during the ride that Jimin and V are the members of the band most likely to fight — about dumplings, apparently.
Watch the BTS “Carpool Karaoke” above.