Brush Off Your Penis Jokes: The Best of the Weinergate Twitter Reactions

Steve Martin, Arianna Huffington, Albert Brooks and others weigh in on the sexting scandal

An errant Twit-pic of his bulging underwear landed Rep. Anthony Weiner in a doozy of a political scandal. Thus when the New York congressman finally copped up to his sexting in a nearly hour-long press conference on Monday, Twitter exploded with quips, dick jokes and expressions of shock from around the Internet. 

Also Read: Welcome to the Sexting Age, Rep. Weiner: Tweeting Dick Pics Is Cheating

From comedians such as Steve Martin and Albert Brooks to media figures such as Howard Kurtz, everyone wanted to put their 140 characters in about the media meltdown. 

TheWrap has helpfully compiled the best of the bunch.

Alec Baldwin, "30 Rock" star, @Alec_Baldwin: They're roasting weiners at 80-20 Kew Gardens Blvd tonight. OK, enough

Albert Brooks, director and actor, @AlbertBrooks: Weiner tweets just discovered. Sexy Girl: "How big are you?" Weiner: "Bigger than the national debt."

Patton Oswalt, comedian, @pattonoswalt Tattoo it on your chest, MEMENTO-style, Weiner: "The Internet is forever."

Steve Martin, actor and comedian, @SteveMartinToGo: BREAKING NEWS: Rep. Weiner has apologized to Paul Revere. /FTW

Harry Shearer, comedian and documentary maker, @theharryshearer: Most shocking Anthony Weiner revelation: his email account is still at aol.

Arianna Huffington, president & editor-in-chief of Huffington Post, @ariannahuff: Americans will remember where they were, what they were doing, and what color underwear they were wearing when today’s news broke. #history

Howard Kurtz, host of CNN's "Reliable Sources," @HowardKurtz: My take on Anthony Weiner's bizarre presser–both riveting and revolting, painful to watch.

Peter Kafka, journalist at AllThingsD, @pkafka: Hey! I was kidding about this! VT:Good time to send out that press release announcing an earnings shortfall, felony conviction or wife swap.

Steven Zeitchik, journalist at Los Angeles Times, @ZeitchikLAT: Right now Blake Lively is really, really grateful for Anthony Weiner.

Esquire Magazine, @Esquiremag: Well, that's how you stand up there and take your licks like a man, we guess. #Weiner

Adam Schefter, ESPN analyst, @AdamSchefter: Hope you're having a better day than Anthony Weiner. 
