Brian Williams Catches Hell for ‘Plowed Over’ Comment Amid France Truck Attack (Video)

Unfortunate reference during MSNBC’s breaking news coverage draws criticism

Brian Williams worked all through the night during MSNBC’s breaking coverage of the deadly truck attack in Nice, France, but his efforts may end up being remembered for just two words.

While throwing to “Hardball” host Chris Matthews, Williams noted the overlap between his time slot and the next, saying, “We have just plowed over the normal-hour airtime of Chris Matthews tonight because of this confluence of breaking news.”

Of course, he had just spent that airtime reporting on the truck driver in Nice, France, who had just “plowed over” dozens of pedestrians, killing up to 80, in what French President Francois Hollande said was “obviously a terror attack.”

Viewers took to Twitter to register their bewilderment at best, disgust at worst over the improbably poor choice of words.

“We have just plowed over the point of no return… @BWilliams,” one user said.

Conservative columnist Michelle Malkin said, “Atrocious clod Brian Williams, once again bringing left, right & center together in teeth-gritting agony” in response to another user’s specific tweet about the “sick pun.”

Williams made his return to the airwaves last September after a six-month suspension over fabrications he perpetuated about his reporting experience during the Iraq War. The former host of “NBC Nightly News” has been toiling at MSNBC’s breaking news desk ever since.

Watch the video above, read the Twitlash below.
