‘Breaking Bad’ Creator on Walter White’s Fate: ‘He Went Out Like a Man’

Vince Gilligan says Walt didn’t “expiate” his sins, but “basically makes good as best he can”

Did Walter White get off too easy?

Among the few complaints about the “Breaking Bad” finale was that Walter White didn’t suffer enough. He died, sure. But his family presumably got more than $9 million, and he extinguished all his enemies and protected his meth legacy.

Also read: ‘Breaking Bad’: Vince Gilligan Shares 5 Alternate Endings

On the final “Breaking Bad Insider” podcast, show creator Vince Gilligan says Walt wasn’t redeemed by a longshot. But he did earn a good death.

“As bad a guy as he’s been and as dark a series of misdeeds as he has committed, nonetheless it felt right and satisfying and proper to us that he went out on his own terms. He went out like a man,” Gilligan said. “He does not in this final episode undo all the damage he has wrought. He does not expiate his sins. There’s just too many of them. It’s impossible.”

Also read: ‘Breaking Bad’: What It All Means

“Given the limited way he could make good, quote-unquote, he basically makes good as best he can.”

Gilligan also addressed what happens next. He believes the Schwartzes do indeed hand over Walt’s meth millions to his sons. And he thinks Jesse gets away.

