‘Blue Valentine’ NC-17 Update: Weinstein Considers Appeal

Surprised by an adult rating, the Weinstein Company will confer with lawyers Monday to consider an appeal

Executives from the Weinstein Company are meeting with their lawyers Monday to consider an appeal of the surprise NC-17 rating for their awards hopeful, "Blue Valentine." 

The drama, starring Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams, was slapped with an unexpected adult rating last week by the Motion Picture Association for a single sex scene in which there is minimal nudity and the sex act is not even entirely shown.

The ratings board is believed to have objected to the raw tone of the scene, which is a pivotal moment in the breakdown of the marriage.

The indie film drew strong reviews from critics who hailed its unflinching look at the breakdown of a marriage. Those who have seen the film were surprised by the decision, noting that while the movie contains sex scenes with some nudity, they were not exploitative.

Read also: Sundance Fave 'Blue Valentine' Slapped with NC-17
