In case Bill O’Reilly‘s audience and critics weren’t clear why he thinks Stephen Colbert will not succeed as David Letterman‘s “Late Show” successor, he explained his theory again on Monday night.
See video: Stephen Colbert’s 10 Most Popular ‘Colbert Report’ Moments
The Fox News opinion host used his Tip of the Day segment on “The O’Reilly Factor” to reiterate that Colbert has “already alienated 40 percent of the country” by mocking conservatives on “The Colbert Report” and that he’ll have “to be better” than the competition.
O’Reilly repeated his “analysis” for a third time because he thinks the “liberal press is very upset” that he is “being mean to Colbert,” and wanted to emphasize that he’s just being “honest.”
See video: Bill O’Reilly Rips Stephen Colbert as ‘Darling of Far Left Internet’
“In the end, Colbert may prevail, but my analysis of him has been to the point and honest,” O’Reilly concluded. “And as you know, that drives zealots on both sides completely crazy.”