Bill Clinton on ‘Conan’: In the Trump Era, ‘It’s a Good Thing’ Country Is So Diverse (Video)

Former President appeared on TBS talk show on the anniversary of his wife’s defeat in the 2016 presidential election

On the anniversary of Hillary Clinton’s loss in the 2016 presidential election, her husband former president Bill Clinton appeared on “Conan” to talk about topics ranging from his charity foundation to the state of the country.

At the top of their discussion, host Conan O’Brien asked Clinton about the changes the country has gone through since he won his first presidential election back in 1992.

“I think the good news is, and I know it’s hard to see it and totally unfashionable to talk about… [is that] the country is more diverse than it used to be, and I think that’s a good thing,” Clinton said.

He continued, saying that given lowering birth rates among native born Americans, immigration is more important than ever.

Clinton discussed demographic differences impacting the two major political parties, noting that Hillary’s voters tended to be more optimistic about the future, and he noted that the country is more aware of the problems plaguing the 2016 election, saying “we’re more resistant.”

“We need to tell the people that make stuff up on the internet to just knock it off,” Clinton added.

Toward the end of the discussion, Clinton talked about what he called “The Dictators Club in the world.”

“They want two things,” he said. “Nuclear weapons, because they feel like they can never be dislodged no matter how much people hate them if they’ve got nuclear power. And they want to abolish the line between fact and fiction and truth and lie. Because they figure if you don’t know what’s true, and you don’t think you can ever know that, pretty soon everybody will accept the fact that democracy is no longer possible.”

“Are you talking about foreign countries or here? Because that chilled me to the bone for a second,’ O’Brien said to all that. And, when Clinton did not answer, he added “You just said a lot by saying nothing.”

Watch the whole video above.
