‘Big Brother’ Season 24: The Leftovers Continue to Dominate, Ousting Yet Another Big Player

There wasn’t a back door eviction this week, but the Leftovers still made some strategic moves


In a rare move for the Season 24 “Big Brother” house guests, there was no back door eviction this week, but somehow the week was still full of surprises and a strategic player was still sent packing during Thursday night’s episode.

Indy Santos was evicted in a 7-1 vote after being placed on the block by Head of Household Taylor Hale. The vote came as a bit of a shock to Santos, as she realized that several of the house guests she’d been closest to sent her home, including Alyssa Snider and Jasmine Davis.

It’s been a 180-degree shift for Hale, who started her “Big Brother” journey as a major target in the house. Now she’s part of a seven-person alliance called The Leftovers that has been running show for the last several weeks.

After Hale won the HOH competition, she struggled to decide who she’d elect for eviction since host Julie Chen announced that the “festie bestie” twist was over, meaning Hale would have to decide on two separate contestants instead of a festie bestie pair — which would only put more of a target on her back in the coming weeks.

She ultimately nominated Santos and Terrence Higgins and told her alliance that her sights were set on evicting Higgins, but the sentiment changed several times over the course of the week as The Leftovers weighed all of their options.

Santos soon became the primary target after the alliance determined that she was a bigger threat in both mental and physical competitions. That is, until Alyssa Snider snubbed Hale during the veto competition, where the game involved a white elephant-style prize structure that included the power of veto along with other gifts like a trip to London and punishments like wearing 182 temporary tattoos.

When Snider was eliminated from the game, she chose to take the trip to London away from Hale and give her the punishment she’d just received, causing some tension in the house. While Hale and some of her alliance members toyed with the idea of back door evicting Snider, it was ultimately a moot point when her showmance Kyle Capener won the veto and kept the eviction nominations the same to keep Snider safe.

That led to the demise of Santos. She will now be the first member of the Season 24 cast to join the Jury House, where she will stay until she votes with her fellow evicted house guests for the “Big Brother” winner.
