Biden’s Mysterious Bloody Eye Overshadows CNN Climate Town Hall

Twitter had one question: “What the hell just happened?”

Joe Biden

CNN held a much-hyped town hall addressing the climate crisis on Wednesday night.

As presidential candidates weighing in on the environment, Twitter weighed in on the candidates — specifically former vice president Joe Biden’s left eye, which became bloody during the televised event.

“Joe Biden’s eye just started bleeding? This isn’t a joke what in the hell just happened,” tweeted one user who goes by the handle @lib_crusher (display name: Meghan McCain Militia).

Like plenty of others, the user posted screenshots of the former vice president. One was captioned, simply, “uuhhhh.”

One respondent threw it back to the 2016 primary season, alluding to then-candidate Donald Trump’s attack on then-Fox anchor Megyn Kelly: “Blood coming out of his wherever…”

Journalists and media personalities weighed in alongside casual viewers, but the tone was largely consistent across the board: What is going on?

Representatives for Biden did not immediately return a request for comment, but during the town hall, his official Twitter account put out this:

“We can’t turn a blind eye to the way in which environmental burdens are distributed unevenly along racial and socioeconomic lines. Biden will right these wrongs and stand up to fossil fuel companies who disproportionately harm communities of color and low-income communities.”

A little too on the nose? Er, eye?

The Hill’s Joe Concha labeled the word choice of that tweet “beyond unfortunate.”

Watch Biden at the climate town hall, via CNN:
